Viewing a transaction

In order to view transactions in RealControl, click on ‘Transactions’ located within the main navigation menu.

In the ‘Transactions’ section, you have the ability to search for multiple transaction types that have been processed.

Step 1

To search for transactions, enter the relevant data in the fields located in the ‘Search for Transactions’ section.

Step 2

Within the ‘Status’ dropdown, you have the option to filter out specific transaction types.
For example if you would only like to view ‘Pending’ transactions, choose the ‘Pending’ option from the dropdown and this will return all transactions that match this criteria.

Step 3

The status of the transaction will appear to the right of the transaction line. The below example shows all transactions which were processed on February 3rd 2015 based on the search criteria entered.

Step 4

To view more details on the transaction, click on the transaction line.


Voiding a transaction

‘Pending’ and ‘Delayed’ transaction types can be voided to prevent the transactions from proceeding to settlement. You can search for ‘Pending’ and ‘Delayed’ transaction types within the ‘Transactions’ section of RealControl.

Step 1

To ‘Void’ transactions, click on the drop down box located to the right of the transaction status. Once you have clicked on the drop down you will have the option to ‘Void’ as seen below. 

Step 2

If you wish to add comments relating to the transaction you can do so in the ‘Comments’ section.

Step 3

When you have entered comments and wish to complete the void, click on the ‘Void Transaction’ button.

Should you wish to view the transaction details before voiding a transaction you can click into the transaction line. This will bring you to the ‘Transaction Details’ screen and the ‘Void Transaction’ option will be present above the Transaction Details.

Step 4

Click on ‘Void Transaction’.

Step 5

Once you have clicked on ‘Void Transaction’, you will again have the option to add additional comments as detailed on the void screen above before finalising the ‘Void’.

Once a transaction has been voided it will not be sent for settlement however the customer’s account may already have been debited for the transaction amount. Once the customer’s bank acknowledges the voided transaction the customer will receive their funds. Please note it can take up to 28 days for the authorisation on the customer’s account to lapse depending on the bank.

Rebating a transaction

After a transaction has been sent for settlement, it can no longer be voided. To return funds to the customer, the transaction may now be rebated. A rebate is a transaction that returns funds to the customer and debits the merchant’s bank account. The rebate uses the details from the original authorisation transaction; therefore, you do not need to contact the customer for their details to process a rebate.

Note: The Rebate transaction type can only be accessed if you have sufficient permissions. You will need to have been assigned the role of ‘Administrator’ or ‘Power User’ to gain access to this section. In order to gain access you will need to contact your ‘Administrator’ User.

There are two restrictions for rebates which do not apply for refunds:
• There is an upper limit on the amount that you can rebate: you can partially rebate the transaction, rebate the full amount or rebate any amount up to 115% of the original authorisation.
• You can only rebate the transaction up to 180 days after it has originally been processed. After 6 months, you will need to process a refund (for more information on processing a refund, please see RealControl Terminal – User Guide.

To process a rebate:

Step 1

Click on the transaction you wish to rebate. At the top of the transaction details screen, click on ‘Rebate Transaction’.

Step 2

Once you have clicked on ‘Rebate Transaction’ you will be brought to the screen below to enter further details before finalising the rebate. You can add the rebate ‘Amount’, ‘Customer Number’, ‘Variable Reference’, ‘Product ID’ and any additional comments for reconciliation purposes.

Step 3

You are required to enter your login password.

Step 4

Click on ‘Rebate Transaction’ to process this transaction. You can then view the rebated transaction in the ‘Transactions’ section.

Settling a delayed transaction

A delayed settlement transaction can be located under ‘Transactions’. When you click into ‘Transactions’, you can search for ‘Delayed’ transactions in the ‘Search for Transactions’ section. You will need to choose ‘Delayed’ from the ‘Status’ field and click on ‘Search’. This will return all delayed transactions that meet your search criteria.

Step 1

When you locate the transaction you wish to settle, click into the transaction and choose ‘Settle Transaction’.

Step 2

If you wish to add additional information relating to the transaction you can do so on the ‘Settle’ screen as below.

Step 3

Click on ‘Settle Transaction’ to process this transaction. You can then view this transaction within the ‘Pending’ category.

Offline transactions

Some authorisations will be declined with a 102 Response Code. Transactions that receive a 102 response code can still be authorised in RealControl by using the offline request type. You must manually obtain an authorisation code for transactions of this type. This involves contacting the acquiring bank’s authorisation centre by phone. Offline transaction type is not enabled by default. To have this transaction type enabled, please contact BOIPA support. Offline is only available with card transactions.

If a transaction has failed with a 102 Response, it will be located in the failed transaction section of RealControl. If you have obtained the authorisation code for this transaction, you can then proceed by clicking on the ‘Offline’‘ tab as seen below.

To complete the transaction, you must enter the authorisation code into the ‘Offline AuthCode’ field. Click on ‘Process’ to complete the transaction.