Resetting your password
Step 1
Click "Forgot Password" on the log in screen.
Step 2
Enter your details:
Client ID - The client ID of the account can be found on correspondences with Global Payments, e.g. subject line of any alerts Global Payments send, or your Welcome Email.
Username - The username you log in with and set up when registering.
Email - Your email address the account is registered with.
Step 3
Depending on your password reset preferences (which can be updated via the User Management section in the Ecommerce Portal), you will either receive a password reset email or a password reset email with accompanying verification code. The code will be sent via SMS text message to the mobile phone number you have registered with your account.
To navigate to the Password Reset section, go to the User Management section in the Ecomerce Portal, find the user and click on the dropdown arrow. Then click "Edit User".
Step 4
Once you receive the password reset email from Global Payments, click on the "Reset My Password" button.
See examples below:
Email only
Email and verification code
If you are set up for email only password reset, you will be redirected to the below screen. Create a new password and re-type this password to confirm.
Click 'Reset Password'.
Log in with new password.
If you are set up for email and verification code password reset, you will be redirected to the below screen.
You will also receive a 6 digit verification code via text message. Enter the code, then create a new password and re-type this password to confirm.
Click 'Reset Password'.
Log in with new password.
In order to successfully reset your password, the password needs to follow the below criteria:
You cannot re-use a previously used password
Passwords are case sensitive
Passwords must contain at least 8 characters
Passwords must contain at least 3 of the following:
- Uppercase letter(s)
- Lowercase letter(s)
- Number(s)
- Symbols(s) e.g. ! * & % @ _ - + =