
Good for you. Great for your customers.

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Good for you. Great for your customers.

Download free DCC material

What is DCC?

Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) is a service that gives your international customers the convenience and choice to pay the bill in their own currency rather than in Euro. You’ll receive a rebate from BOI Payment Acceptance with each DCC transaction, so the more international business you do, the more you grow your revenue.

How does DCC work?


Your BOIPA Terminal will automatically identify international credit and debit cards during the authorisation stage.


Regardless of the choice your customer makes, BOIPA will always settle the transaction in your terminal currency, for the full sale amount.

DCC offer

If BOIPA identifies an international card, your customer may be offered the choice to pay in their home currency. To assist them in their choice, your customer will be able to view the foreign exchange rate, margin and final price so they can choose whether to pay in the local or home currency.


At the end of each month, BOIPA will calculate a rebate payable as a credit to your merchant services statement in respect of DCC transactions processed on your terminal.

Business benefits

More choice for your customers

Your international customers can use your BOIPA terminal to pay in their home currency without you having to worry about foreign exchange rates or handling multiple currencies.

Accept a wide range of currencies

Your BOIPA terminal has been configured to handle all major currencies – over 40 in total.

Earn a rebate

We will credit you a rebate on your BOIPA statement, subject to the terms and conditions in your Payment Acceptance Agreement.

Customer Benefits

Price transparency

Your customer enjoys full transparency of foreign exchange costs.


Customers have the choice to select to pay in their home currency to accept the exchange rate and convert the transaction immediately. This is the final price in the customer’s currency.

Nothing is hidden

Each receipt shows the amount in euro, the conversion rate, and the amount in the customer’s home currency.

DCC material

Customers always have lots of questions! Prepare your team with the right answers – simply put the poster up in the staff area.

Download DCC poster

Our staff training information sheet contains everything you and your staff need to know about the best way to offer currency conversion to your customers.

Download DCC info sheet

Frequently asked questions

  • What is DCC?

    DCC stands for Dynamic Currency Conversion. DCC is a service that gives international cardholders the choice to pay in their home currency.

  • How will the card terminal screen display a DCC transaction?
    EU screen

    For EU transactions within the EEA the terminal screen will look as follows.

    EU non screen

    For non-EU transactions within the EEA the terminal process will look as follows.

  • How do I tell which currencies belong to the European Economic Area (EEA)?

    The following are the non-Euro currencies within the EEA:

    • Bulgaria (Lev)
    • Croatia (Kuna)
    • Czech Republic (Koruna)
    • Denmark (Krone)
    • Hungary (Forint)
    • Poland (Zloty)
    • Romania (Leu)
    • Sweden (Krona)
    • United Kingdom (GBP)

    Your terminal will automatically identify payment scenarios where the card currency and local currency both belong to the EEA and will adjust the POS screen display and receipt display accordingly.

  • How will the transaction receipt display the DCC transaction?

    MasterCard EU transaction

    Visa EU transaction

    MasterCard Non-EU transaction

    Visa Non-EU transaction