Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement

EVO Payments UK Ltd

Our Business

EVO Payments UK Ltd (“EVO UK”) and its affiliates’ entities form a part of the corporate group of Global Payments Inc. (the “Group”). EVO UK provides a broad range of payment services, including acquiring, processing, ATM support and foreign currency conversion (the “Services”). These Services are collectively provided by the Group globally, including North America, LATAM, Europe and Asia.

In the United Kingdom the Services were previously provided by its affiliate EVO Payments International GmbH, UK Branch (the “UK Branch”). On 1 September 2023 the UK Branch transferred it business to EVO UK. EVO UK is an authorised and regulated payments institution with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), under FRN 959332.

Our Approach

We strive to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking does not exist within our supply chain or our businesses. This objective is implicit in our policies and our approach to human rights.

While not operational, in the previous year, EVO UK is making this this statement pursuant to Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 with respect to the business and principles adopted by EVO UK as successor to the business of EVO UK Branch as of 1 September 2023, to set out our commitment to ensuring that modern slavery or human trafficking will not exist within our supply chain or its businesses. This statement sets out the approach EVO UK and, collectively, its Group has in place to prevent the occurrence of modern slavery and human trafficking in its supply chain or in any of its business operations in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.

Our Policies

The Group operates a number of policies which reflect our objective to act ethically and in line with our legal and regulatory obligations with regard to our employees, customers and our business relationships.

The Group Code of Conduct (“Code”) is the standard that we set ourselves for what we say and do in our relationships with our customers, suppliers, colleagues, shareholders, regulators, government bodies and other parties. The Code represents our approach to the standards we expect from each other and it prescribes a set of behaviours expected of all employees. In addition, we strive to work with, and select, third parties who share the principles set forth in this statement and our Code of Conduct. The Group Whistleblowing Policy details the procedures our employees should follow if they have concerns about any wrongdoing, unlawful conduct, bribery, financial malpractice, dangers to the public or the environment, or possible fraud or other risks to the Group.

EVO UK has also formally adopted an ‘Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy” in August 2023 which applies to all our employees and sets out the principles and approach of EVO UK and the responsibility of each employee to ensure the prevention, detection and reporting of Modern Slavery in any part of our business or supply chain.

Our Supply Chain

We are not complacent and we are committed to raising awareness among our employees of the potential risks in our dealings with suppliers, the importance of raising concerns and the need to conduct appropriate due diligence to help ensure those in our supply chain comply with our values.

Training and Awareness

The Group is focused on raising awareness of the policies listed above with colleagues across the organisation. This includes the provision of mandatory training for employees on the Group Code of Conduct, Whistleblowing Policy and Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking each year.

Directors Approval

This statement has been approved by the Directors of EVO Payments UK Ltd on 30th August 2023.

Nick Corrigan, Director

For and on behalf of the Board of EVO Payments UK Ltd